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Shoulder Pain Treatment in Auckland CBD

radiating shoulder painNo two cases of shoulder pain are alike. The shoulder moves more than any other joint in the body and can turn on several planes. Since it’s made of many overlapping tissues, pain can result from one of many complex causes.

At City Chiropractic, we have experience determining exactly what’s causing your specific experience of pain. Our natural, expert care helps restore you to ideal functioning so you can move freely and feel your best.

Helping You Achieve Health Naturally

The key to our exceptional care is starting with an accurate diagnosis and determining if you have a chiropractic issue. The nerves from your neck feed directly into the shoulder. If any of those nerves have altered flow, bringing the neck back into alignment generally alleviates pain.

Other patients may have a misalignment in the upper back, the scapula, or the shoulder blade. Your chiropractor can bring your body into proper positioning through customised adjustments so you’re balanced and functioning correctly again.

Occasionally, we see patients with a tear in the tissue that requires physiotherapy or surgery to correct. We’re experts at identifying what we can and cannot help with. Even if your problem is something we can’t respond to, our clinic is an excellent first step in diagnosing the problem and sending you exactly where you need to go.

Setting You Up for a Lifetime of Wellness

You should never ignore pain and simply put up with it or hope it will go away on its own. This only makes the problem worse. Without proper care, the root cause of pain will continue, with spinal dysfunction compounding over time and the body getting used to its new state of imbalance.

Our goal is to get you out of discomfort as soon as possible, while also responding to what’s wrong. Regular care brings your body back to peak wellness so you can stay healthy well into the future.

Start Turning Your Health Around Today

We’re passionate about improving people’s lives naturally, without medication or surgery. Book now.



Shoulder Pain Treatment Auckland CBD | (09) 377-7795