About City Chiropractic
Since 2000, Dr. Nick Laurie (Chiropractor) is proud to be a leader at City Chiropractic in Auckland CBD. With the ocean just kilometres away and a variety of things to do, he’s eager to help everyone make the most of our beautiful community.
Our Philosophy
We are strong believers in vitalism. Vitalism is the idea that your body is continuously striving to survive. We want to make sure that you can thrive. A vitalistic person functions at their best and lives a healthy, abundant lifestyle.
The most fulfilling aspect of being a chiropractor is seeing changes in people’s health and being able to inspire.” Dr Laurie
The Incredible Value of Great Health
Over the years, Dr Laurie’s understanding and philosophy of chiropractic care has evolved. With the help of a very special chiropractic assistant’s advice and years of service, he’s now able to help more of the Auckland community. “The more people that visit us means we see more miracles each day. Over many years we’ve changed thousands of people’s lives. Whether in a major way or small way, we’ve made a difference.”
The Danger of the Three Ts
Our chiropractors work to identify which of the three primary forces are hindering you from being at your best. These are referred to as The Three Ts:
Trauma: improper posture, slips and falls, car accidents
Toxins: chemicals that affect your body, lack of hydration
Thoughts: stress, which has a wide range of physiological effects on your body
Chiropractic strives to reduce the effects of these forces on your body. We’ll teach you about what you can do to take your health into your own hands and provide the care your body needs to function at its highest level.
Contact Us Today
We have convenient hours for appointments. Set up your time with us today!